Sapporo Masjid

Sapporo Masjid

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Sapporo Masjid

Sapporo Masjid

Sapporo Masjid

Sapporo Masjid

Mosque name

Sapporo Masjid


Kita14-jonishi Kita-ku Sapporo-shi 4-1-29map

Telephone number


Regular holiday

Open year round

Business hours

From 6:00 to around 19:00.

Opening day

2005 (Moved in 2003.)


Bangladeshi, Egyptian

Customer base

students, tourists (from Indonesia, Malaysia, Africa, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India, Uzbekistan, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia etc.)


Take the Sapporo City Subway, Nanboku Line bound for Azabu, from Sapporo Station to Kita juni jo Station (2-minute). Go out from Exit 2 and go towards the opposite direction (north) of the exit. Go straight to the second traffic light "Kita 14-jo Nishi 4" and the white building is on your left is the destination.


Check the direction and time