Ogaki Masjid

Ogaki Masjid

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Ogaki Masjid

Ogaki Masjid

Ogaki Masjid

Ogaki Masjid

Mosque name

Ogaki Masjid


Shimazato Ogaki-shi 3-87map

Regular holiday

No holiday

Business hours

Open 24 hours.

Opening day

Around 1993

Opportunity to open a mosque

The entrance for women is on the left side of the building (There is a wudu and a prayer space inside.). The entrance for men is on the right side of the building (There is a wudu and a prayer space inside.). We invite the imam, but is not resident. The mosque is open 24 hours a day. On Fridays, group worship is held, and on Sundays, male Muslims hold Islamic study sessions and social gatherings.



Customer base

There are many users who work in the area.


17-minute by Meihan Kintetsu Bus from Ogaki Station to Shimazato bus stop. 6-minuye walk from the Shimazoto bus stop. 【From JR Ogaki Station】 ① Go out from the ticket gate to the south side, ② Go down the escalator on the right.  ③ After going down the escalator, there is a Bus Information Center in the back of the taxi stop. ④ The bus heading to the Shimazato bus stop departure from No.2 bus stop. Please take the bus bound for “Imao” or “Wanouchi Cultural center” or “Kaizu city hall”. ※¹You can wait at the bench inside the Information Center before departure. ※²You cannot buy tickets at the Information Center. You can exchange money and pay on the bus. ⑤ ⑥ Get off at the Shimazato bus stop. ⑦ After getting off at Shimazato bus stop, go down the road to the direction you came from. ⑧ After crossing the first traffic light, turn right where the sidewalk is painted blue. ⑨ The view after turning right. * Go straight. ⑩ You will see the mosque (The back side of the building.).


Check the direction and time