Kobe Masjid
Mosque name
Kobe Masjid
Nakayamatedori Chuo-ku Kobe-shi 2-25-14map
Telephone number
Regular holiday
No holiday
Business hours
Depends on the seasons worship time. Close at 21:00.
Opening day
Opportunity to open a mosque
The Kobe Muslim Mosque was the first mosque in Japan, built in 1935 by the investment of a Turkish, Tatar and Indian traders living in Kobe (Japan’s major port city located in Hyogo Prefecture.).
Egyptian, Pakistani, Malaysian etc.
Customer base
family, tourists
7-minute walk from West Exit 3, Sannomiya Station, Kobe City Subway Seishin-yamate Line. 482m from Sannomiya Station (Kobe City Subway).
Check the direction and time