Kagawa Mosque
Mosque name
Kagawa Mosque
Ejiricho Sakaide-shi 1547-1map
Telephone number
Regular holiday
No regular holiday.
Business hours
Closed at 22:00, but there some people stay overnight.
Opening day
Opportunity to open a mosque
There was none full-scale mosque, and was using the prayer space in Kagawa University. There was a house in another area that had a prayer space as a masjid, but it is no longer there. The representative, who came to Japan as a technical intern trainee and married a Japanese woman, wanted to build a mosque as a place to teach children about Islam, so he collected donations and established the mosque. They fully equipped to be able to park the cars in their property and searched for a big land, not to cause any inconvenience to the residents in the area.
Indonesians are the most. Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Malaysian etc.
Customer base
Age to 0~71 years old gather. Indonesians are the most, and about 30 people comes. Currently, the first floor is being renovated, and there is a small room for women's prayer room, but most of them worship at home.
Most people come by bicycle, but many also come by car. 10-minute walk from Yasoba Station, JR Yosan Line.
Check the direction and time