Nagoya Port Mosque
Mosque name
Nagoya Port Mosque
Zennan-cho Minato-ku Nagoya-shi 33-3map
Telephone number
Regular holiday
No regular holiday.
Business hours
Opening day
Opportunity to open a mosque
It is said that, it is best for Muslim men to pray five times a day in the mosque, but there was no place around here where they could pray, so the mosque was built with the donations from everyone. There are parking lots for 4 cars in front of the mosque and 30 cars on the east side of the mosque. Two imams from Sri Lanka are stationed there.
【Imam】Sri Lankan
Customer base
Pakistanis,Sri Lankans, Bangladeshies, Moroccans, Indians, Uzbeks, Iranians, Muslim neighbors
20-minute walk from the “Arakogawa-koen Station”, Nagoya Rinkai Rapid Transit Aonami Line. Go south through the park and turn left after exiting the park. 70m ahead, take the fork on the right. The destination will be on your right, 1km ahead.
Check the direction and time